Nathaël Da Costa
I am a PhD candidate in Philipp Hennig's group at the University of Tübingen and the International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems. I am interested in mathematically rich problems in machine learning. In particular, my research focuses on probabilistic machine learning models, such as Gaussian processes and Bayesian neural networks. My goal is to improve our understanding and design of such systems while guided by mathematical principles. Notably, my work relies on tools from differential geometry and functional analysis.
2023-Ongoing: PhD in Computer Science at the University of Tübingen
2023: Research Associate in Applied Mathematics at Nanyang Technological University Singapore
2021-2022: MMath in Pure Mathematics at the University of Cambridge
(Part III of the Mathematical Tripos)
2018-2021: BA in Mathematics at the University of Cambridge
(Mathematical Tripos)
Also see my CV, my Google Scholar profile for an up to date list of publications, or contact me at